This happened a while back but basically inspired me to start logging all the filthy stuff that happens to me @ work. This specific incident was the product of bad timing.
Here is what went down.
I had to goto the bathroom and as you may know from About me and whatnot the floors in my corporate office all have a common bathroom… of course for the workers of that floor. So i am walking up to the bathroom in dire need to pee. I walk right up to the door and rip it open. As i am pulling it open an Indian guy is trying to exit which results in the door opening even faster and in combination with us both trying to exit and enter in unison, then door flys open and we are face to face in a split second.
This was not something in slow motion, it was more like a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a second and RIGHT as we make eye contact i can see in his eyes was not ready for someone to be coming in…. and as he looks me in the eye, he fucking sneezes! And that shit goes in my face… and if i remember right i was on an IN breathe… so i took his sneeze RIGHT into my lungs.
Like i was saying this all happened Super quick. As i roll past him into the bathroom i feel dirty… and i washed my hands. Even though it wouldnt do anything i had to do it.
I went to the urinal and laughed at the situation — did someone just sneeze in my face?! The funny part is that its not like he intentionally did it… it just all came down to fate and timing… if i had waited just 1 more second… or decided to not drink the last drop of whatever it is i drank…
maybe this sneeze to the face could have been avoided!