Horeking Loogies in the Urinal :(

Today’s bathroom experience was somewhat disturbing.  I had a loogie spitter next to me @ the urinal and man that is one thing that grosses me out.  What is a loogie spitter?  Well i’m glad I asked that… Here is a story that will define exactly what a loogie spitter does and in the context of … you guessed it, the bathroom @ my work!

This is how it happened — i walked in to the bathroom and went straight to the urinal.  I am standing there happy as a clam just peeing then all of the sudden the door BUSTS open and a very quick and seemingly precise asian man quickly walks in, past  the sinks, straight to the urinal next to me.  He walks straight up to the urinal, bends at almost a 90 degree angle from the hips and hocks a loogie into the urinal.

While im standing there peeing i hear belt open, pants open, zipper zip down, and peeing begin.  Yeah its nasty but what are you gonna do? So dood and i are standing there peeing and he keep spitting down into the urinal.  Its not like a truely horeked from the depths of the sinus loogies but little horeks… maybe cleaning the throat.. or just getting the extra spit out of his mouth.

The spit sounds really make me sick… There is more than 1 way to spit and one of them is quietly.  This guy was doing each spit with a little pop after to get some force going behind the loogie. Seriously sickening.

I finished up, washed my hands and bounced out of there ASAP.

Why must one do this?

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