Violated By The Comcast Guy

Today is a sad day. This post is in a new category called “Off Topic” because this happened in my condo but it definitely parallels the theme of this blog — ‘Gross at _______’.

Anyways, this condo of mine is basically brand new and I needed the standard communication staples; TV, telephone, and Internet. My area only gets service from Comcast so 2 days ago I called up Comcast and scheduled an appointment to have all 3 items installed and to my dismay, a little somethin’ extra.

Dude is supposed to be @ my condo between 8a – 12p. Gluttonously using the window he shows up @ 11:15am and i show him all the outlets, the underground cable hook up and he starts doing his thing. The guy is a big guy and he’s crawling all over the floor breathing hard and coughing occasionally. He was actually really a nice guy, and answered all of my questions about how Comcast knows if i have various services or not by use of filters.

After some time goes by Dude pops up and politely says, “Mind if I use the restroom?”. I said sure, use the one on the left, it works better than the other one. He comes back 2 minutes later and continues to work.

About 40 minutes later Dude finishes up and says I have to sign some papers. We joke about me “signing my life away” and he says I already did that when I bought the place… hahaha, good one Dude!… papers all signed we exchange thanks, and he leaves.

I am super late for work at this point so I run around turning off the lights but when I got to the bedroom I noticed that the bathroom door is closed… and then i realize the fan is on. A wave of terror shot over me. Nobody leaves the fan on and the door shut after urinating. So I open the door and look it. My terror moved up 1 notch on the terror scale when I realized Dude dropped a deuce in my toilet and PART OF IT WAS STILL THERE! I am not saying he didn’t FLUSH but it looks like he flushed but left without realizing the flush was not 100% successful. From the rancid looks of things it was maybe 70% successful. As I mentioned before in this post, today is a sad day.

Since I was late for work I needed to open the window, turn the fan off, and rectify Dude’s failed flush attempt. I enter the bathroom. Two things immediately assault my senses like a ninja on a sloth:

  1. Smell: It smells like shit.
  2. Touch: It’s very warm.

The fan that Dude turned on also has a heater in it — so not only does it stink in the bathroom it is hot and the bad vibes radiating from the nasty deuce in my toilet makes it feel a bit musky. I held my breath, ninjaed it to the window, hit the switch and left ASAP.

I dunno but this is pretty nasty and Comcast should tell their guys they can’t go around to customer’s homes dropping bombs (in less than 5 minutes!). I understand as a human these guys just sometimes have to do their duty and shake a booty and being on the road all the time probably doesn’t permit bathroom breaks but still…

If you have any suggestions on how i can clean this toilet feel free to leave a comment.

11 thoughts on “Violated By The Comcast Guy”

  1. Yea, the guy is human so get over it. You are arrogant to expect someone to help service your needs, but when they have one you slam them.

  2. Russ it is not like the comcast guy did it as a favor, he gets paid because its his JOB. This has ruined comcast’s image in my eyes.

  3. The comcast guy needs to wake up early and have a cup of coffee in the morning. That is what I do and then I can do my business before I go to work. Then again maybe I am just anal about some things. But I will not be doing the duece at work or any where else!

  4. Who gives a flyin shit?! Im mean really.
    The guy is human crawling around on your floor for 12 bucks an hour and it was a complete honest mistake. If it was your child or your husband, but since its the poor Comcast guy, who by complete accident left a 1/3 of a tird, its horrific.

    Please, get over yourself. Be happy you live in the greatest country on the planet, got gas and electric and that you got tv and broadband.

    Worse things in the world. Like the Mortgage broker that bent you over for 3 to 5 grand in closing fees. Wake up!

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